Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Some stuff

Whats happenin guys?!  I've got a bunch of random pics and videos. I've been meaning to post them for days but I've been lazy.

So, I'm leaving this place in 20 days and I couldn't be more excited. Actually that's probably not true, I'll be more excited tomorrow, and then more excited the day after that. I've never wanted to see Sky Harbor so bad in all my life!

It's been Con 2 all day today and it got really nasty 45 minutes or so before we were off work.  They sent out an email saying it was going to get worse so basically go home if you could because it might turn to a Con 1.  So we left work early and it was blowing pretty good and visibility sucked so I made a video of my walk home.  Actually I thought the cold had killed my camera because it stopped recording on it's own and just powered off. There was also a bunch of snow on the lense. I blew it off but there was some moisture under the lense, NOT GOOD.  After I let it warm up and dry out it's working fine now though. I guess Sony didn't design that baby for subzero temps huh!

I think I'm going to make a couple posts. I really want to get this post up but I've also got a ton of pics of clouds and sunsets and stuff. I want to go through those though and pick the good ones. So I'll post those separately.

Look at this deliciousness. Meals aren't always so yummy here, but this was a nice one...

 So was this one...
 Little fireman standing watch on the fire alarm.  We needed him too, earlier in that day they sent out an email saying that the fire truck was broken so we had limited fire protection and were putting a restriction on all "hot work", like welding, soldering, using a torch, etc.  They were able to get the old fire truck up and running the next day though.  Funny thing is that we got 2 brand new fire trucks in on the supply ship back in February. One of them broke fairly early into winter and only drives backwards. Now the second one is broken. I guess they just don't build em like they used to or something like that...
I took this about a week ago. Even though the sun was coming back up I still hadn't seen the actual sun yet...
But 2 days later it was up over the mountain!  This is my first view of the sun in almost 7 months! P.S. You aren't supposed to look right at the sun, doh!...
Here is my walk home a few hours ago. When I left it was blowing 73Mph and was 50 something below...
Apparently the Air Force was using the landings during Winfly as some night vision goggle training flights. They had a bunch of pilots on the flights. They were doing low level passes over the runway using NVG's. Then they'd fly around, the pilots would switch seats and another would pretend to land. I don't know how many times they went around, but that could get annoying if you were a passenger I bet. JUST LAND THE FUCKING PLANE ALREADY! Hahah.  I don't know if this video is from the flights but it appeared on our common drive shortly after the flight so I assume so... 

More to come...

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