Sunday, September 30, 2012

Buh-Bye from Antarctica

Well it's about that time.  It's time to sign off from Antarctica. It's been one of the most amazing experiences of my life, but I am more than ready to go home. It has gotten to just be "normal" to be here so it didn't seem like this day would ever come. It's finally started to feel real in the last week, and today is finally the day. The plane should be here in 4 hours and I'll be outtie. I can't wait to get home and see everyone I've missed for so long.

This will be my last post from the land of ice and penguins.  I'll still post a couple more updates, maybe from the hotel or airports to post any pics I take. After I get home I'll sign off for good. :)

In the meantime while I wait for my plane I thought I'd let you all read a list I put together of things I haven't done, seen or whatever in the last year...

been in an elevator
fired a gun
bought gas
paid rent
cooked for myself
been in a bank
saw a movie in a theater
had taco bell
had good pizza & wings
smelled the desert when it first starts to rain
saw any bugs
saw any cactus
saw a dog
sent or received a text message
smelled the inside of a Home Depot
been stuck in traffic, WOOHOO!
saw a cop car
driven a car(trucks don't count)
driven over 10 mph

saw someone under 18*
paid for food*
saw rain*
saw a plant growing out of the ground*

*I saw or did these things when I was back in Christchurch for R&R back in February, but not since then.

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