Friday, July 20, 2012


I found lots of various photos of all sorts of things here, some are from the winter and some are back from the summer. So I thought I'd put them all together in one post, so there is going to be a shit ton of pics in this one.  I only took the first few pics, all the rest are from other people.

We have 2 bars here, Gallaghers and Southern Exposure, or just Southern as everyone here calls it. There is also a 3rd one called the Coffee House but it's a little less of a bar. In the summer you can get wine I think but that's it as far as alcohol. In the winter Southern is closed and the Coffee House doesn't sell booze but is open for gatherings, hanging out, or watching movies in the "movie theater" that is part of the building.  I had to go hook up a laptop to the TV in the theater the other day so some folks could watch a video. While I was there I realized that I don't remember posting any pics of the Coffee House so I took a couple.

There are lots of board and card games over in the CH. Rock em sock em bitch!
 Coffee House...

 Movie Theater in the CH...
I bought this cool little card the other day...
 Here is the back. It's handy dandy and will fit in my wallet, but it gets cooler...
 It has a built in 4GB thumb drive, how sweet is that...
This is the craft room for all you crafty type of folks...

The Green House...

So back at the beginning of winter some people volunteered to go out and build a couple of igloos.  There have been a couple sign up sheets so if you want you can sign up to go sleep in them overnight. 

 Why would you want to sleep in an igloo over night if you didn't have to? Pfft, hell if I know...
So for 4th of July there was a little shin dig over in the VMF(Vehicle Maintenance Facility). Well as you can imagine a facility that maintains vehicles can be quite messy and greasy.  So they had to scrub the floors so people didn't slip and die to death. So between some crazy cold outside, having doors open to get vehicles out , and incredibly hot water being sprayed on the floor there was some serious indoor fog going on. Pretty sweet...

 McMurdo's AAA to the rescue...

 Like new...
 Off to save someone elses day...
SAR(Search & Rescue) Training...

 Anchor point with what looks like a backpack...
 Another big ass anchor point. You probably couldn't pull that out with a tank...

 Thats muh boss. He looks tired, hahah...
There are some folks here who take the accessorizing of their rooms very seriously. Especially some folks who have been coming here for years and have accumulated lots of stuff.  As a comparison the first 2 pics are my room.  I rearranged a few things, broke down 2 of the beds I wasn't going to use to make room. My big flourish is the Christmas lights, and that's about it. 

 This guy is a carpenter so he has some nice wood tables and things he's built...

 This guy and his girlfriend come down together. Every person gets their own room, even if you're living with someone. So if you live with someone then you have a spare room essentially. So this is their entertainment room and they sleep down the hall...
 Dude has full on surround sound speakers mounted on the walls and a projector on the ceiling...

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