Monday, August 20, 2012

First flight of Winfly, not so much

So today was supposed to be the first flight of Winfly.  The weather was crazy all day. It was supposed to have cleared by the time the plane got here but it didn't, so the flight got "bommerang'd", went right back to where it came from.  It sucks for the folks on board. A 5 hour flight here, circle the airfield for a bit, and then 5 hours right back.  It's awesome for me because no roomie tonight and we get to keep WiFi for 1 more day.  We're supposed to get roommates, also we get wireless internet during the winter only.  During Winfly and Summer only the scientists get to have it.  There just isn't enough infrastructure in place for many hundreds of people to be on it, so it's restricted.  They turn it off as soon as the first flight lands, since it got the ol' boomer, then I'm swimming in wireless tonight.  They'll try again tomorrow, but I talked to the forecaster and he said the weather is looking pretty iffy for the next few days. So we shall see what tomorrow brings.  I hope they delay it, but for the sake of the people who are coming I hope they delay them before they have to hop on that plane again. 

Dinner menu. The "invasion", postponed for 1 more day...
 I saw this outside someone's room. Hahahha

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