Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Got some flights

Hey guys, it's been a week so I thought I'd say hey.  I've got some pictures and some videos to share.

The last update I did was about the first flight not coming in last Monday when it was supposed to. We had a pretty gnarly little storm system come through that lasted for the better part of a week that caused all kinds of delays getting planes in. We actually had our first official "Condition 1" weather in town, then followed quickly by a couple more Con 1's. When a Con 1 condition might be called they have the Search and Rescue(SAR) team string up rope lines from the dorms to the galley and medical.  So if it's really bad out and you need to get to medical or the galley to eat you can use the rope lines so you don't get lost. If you do that you have to travel in groups of 2 or more. You also have to call the firehouse before you leave and let them know where you're going and how many people are going. Then when you get to your destination you call the firehouse back and let them know you made it. If you forget to call back in they'll start sending out the SAR team to look for you.  It seems silly when you're only going a couple hundred feet from one building to another, but you really can't see more than a couple feet when its a white out. So you could be walking away from something you think you're walking toward and end up in a world of hurt, especially when the winds are really pounding and it's -50 or -60, no good.

The first flight that was supposed to come in Monday finally made it on Thursday. So after that first flight made it the next one that was originally supposed to come in Thursday was pushed back to the following Monday because of the storms. So that flight came in last night, and then the flight after that came in this afternoon.  There were originally supposed to be 3 cargo flights as well but from what I heard they're only going to be able to squeeze in 1 cargo flight tomorrow and the last handful of people will leave on that flight.  Then that will be it for the Winfly flights and the C-17's go back to the U.S., then they come back at the end of September for "Main body", or the main body of flights. I'll be leaving on that first flight of main body on October 1st.

So we've gotten most of the new people in now. The population was 152 and now it's somewhere around 400 I think. It's so different with all the new people around. Things are noisier, and there are people everywhere now. I'm also waiting to get sick, we've been isolated to the same small group of people for quite a while now. So we're all used to each others germs, but apparently it's pretty common to get sick after the new people show up and bring their nasty germs with them.  The new people did bring more freshies with them though. So I've had a number of pears, nectarines, plums and even a banana and an orange. Wooohooo!

You just can't escape the snow, even indoors...

 These are a few shots of all the new people right after the first flight came in. It was like an invasion or something...

 I was over in one of the other dorms and someone had this on their door. Made me chuckle a bit...
 So I blew out my crotch, and it's not what you think, perverts! I was walking and the snow was uneven so I had to step off this snow berm down about a foot and a half and rippppppp...
 You can kind of see the door up there, the library and the weight gym are behind that door. Hope no one wants to workout...
 I think it snowed or something...
 The moon was extra bright, seemed like it was begging to have it's picture taken...

 I made these videos a couple days before the first flight ever came in but just didn't post them...
Thought I'd show you the view from outside of the van...
Con 1. I didn't think to get my camera and go out there until it had chilled just a bit. The first time I had gone out you couldn't see that light pole at all...
It was Con 2 out this day and it was blowing a little and for some reason I felt like whipping out the camera to record my little trek.  I was talking at various points but the wind was pretty much drowning me out...
It was rather blowy outside...

This is the first people coming in from that first flight.  I took several video clips rather than one really long video, so I stuck them all together.  I'm not exactly a video editor so the edits are rather abrupt, but the best part is that if you don't like it, you can, suck ittttttt :)

Monday, August 20, 2012

First flight of Winfly, not so much

So today was supposed to be the first flight of Winfly.  The weather was crazy all day. It was supposed to have cleared by the time the plane got here but it didn't, so the flight got "bommerang'd", went right back to where it came from.  It sucks for the folks on board. A 5 hour flight here, circle the airfield for a bit, and then 5 hours right back.  It's awesome for me because no roomie tonight and we get to keep WiFi for 1 more day.  We're supposed to get roommates, also we get wireless internet during the winter only.  During Winfly and Summer only the scientists get to have it.  There just isn't enough infrastructure in place for many hundreds of people to be on it, so it's restricted.  They turn it off as soon as the first flight lands, since it got the ol' boomer, then I'm swimming in wireless tonight.  They'll try again tomorrow, but I talked to the forecaster and he said the weather is looking pretty iffy for the next few days. So we shall see what tomorrow brings.  I hope they delay it, but for the sake of the people who are coming I hope they delay them before they have to hop on that plane again. 

Dinner menu. The "invasion", postponed for 1 more day...
 I saw this outside someone's room. Hahahha

Sunday, August 12, 2012


 You may or may not have seen it on the news but we had a medical emergency here. The USAP arranged a medivac for the person and the plane came and got them a few days ago. From what I heard they were "feeling a little better", but the Docs wanted to be safe and went ahead with the evac. The bosses asked us not to release any personal information about the person and I think that is still the case, so I'll just keep referring to the person as a "they". :)

They made is safely back to Christchurch and had the surgery they needed.  After the surgery the doctors said it was a good thing we went through with the evac when we did or it could have gotten a lot worse. The person sent a greeting back here to us saying that they're fine now so YAY, everything is ok!

It was scary there for a while. Luckily it was the time of year that it was.  Normally the runway isn't kept up in the winter since the last flight left here on March 6th. However our first "winter flights"(Winfly) are due in on the 20th. So they were already prepping the runway and the roads to the airfield. Once the Doc determined the person was potentially bad enough for an medivac, the crews kicked it into high gear so they could get the runway ready a couple weeks sooner. They really kicked some serious ass to get it done.

So all winter we were 153, now we're down to 152 people, but with Winfly coming starting the 20th that number will start to rise rapidly! Winfly only lasts a week but in that time our population will go from 152 to somewhere around 440, I think.  So all of the quiet we experienced all winter is going away very soon.  Also we're going to all go from single rooms to roommates, kill me now!

On the bright side. With the medivac coming they took the opportunity to send us some goodies on the plane. So we got some mail, and some fresh fruits and veggies!  I had half a banana the night of the medivac and it was amazing! They decided to go ahead and save the fresh fruit for our Sunday brunch. So I got a whole bunch of delicious fresh fruit Sunday and it was out of this world. I didn't even care about the bacon and eggs and all that, I just got my fruit, went back to me room and savored every bite. MMMMMMMM

Here are a couple links to stories about the medivac by the way...

The sun is just itching to come up over the horizon. I can't wait to see it again...
 There is the control tower on the left...
 Waiting for the airplane...

Here she comes, the Aussies to the rescue...

Hmmm, I wonder if it was cold outside...

 Hey, do you guys have room for 1, hahah...
 Getting the patient loaded on the plane. I heard they were feeling ok enough to walk onto the plane...
 This is our Dr. here for the winter, seeing his patient off...
 Looks like they're loading the patients personal stuff. Also unloading some mail and our delicious freshies...
 Off the deliver our person to safety...
 Job well done, off to have a beer, well probably not, but they deserved one...
UPDATE: I just found another article with a picture of them deplaning in Christchurch.On the way to the hospital...

Mmmm, look at her!  I smelled it for like 15 minutes before I took a bite.
 I almost don't want to take a bite cuz it's going to just be gone...
 First bite, oh muh goodness...
 See, I told you it was going to just be gone if I started eating it...
 My brunch extravaganza...
 GONE :(
You should all buy some stock in Sprouts because when I get home I'm going fruit and veggie crazy!!